Our last section in sociology is on race. We have watched a movie and done an online project to find out more about the topic. It is a fascinating thing to study, because the majority of what people in our society think is a myth. We are also racist more often then we think we are. We often think ignoring the issue of racism is the most non-controversial way to handle the issue, when in reality it is often offensive to ignore the problem at hand.
There are two different way to define race, a sociological and a biological way. The sociological definition of race is the group of people our society associates you with. If you have dark skin our society would label you as black or Mexican, depending on how dark you are. A biological definition is proved science that a race is different in a way other than their skin color. One of the articles we read talked about black athletes verses white athletes. It is actually proven that East Africans are better at long distance running. It is scientifically based information, it is not just looks defining this. I have thought in the past that black athletes were better than white athletes, but I know realize which issues are true or not.
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