Friday, May 20, 2011

Closing Thoughts

            My sociology class has changed the way I view society now. I now realize the things I never would have thought twice about before. I observe the way people talk and act around each other. In crowded places I enjoy analyzing the groups of people.
            The two most interesting topics for me was the topic on race and the class rank unit. Both were fascinating to me, and I feel like I can directly apply them to my life. When we discussed class rank it really made me think about where I stand in society, or if I could change positions if I wanted to. I thought it was the most interesting topic we talked about all year. I also enjoyed the race unit. I was also interested by all the myths and truths about race. I could not believe how many things we thought were true but were actually myths. It changed the way I approach the issue of racism.
            This class was beneficial to me, and I am glad I took this class before college. It has better prepared me for life after college.

Race is Still an Issue

              Our last section in sociology is on race. We have watched a movie and done an online project to find out more about the topic. It is a fascinating thing to study, because the majority of what people in our society think is a myth. We are also racist more often then we think we are. We often think ignoring the issue of racism is the most non-controversial way to handle the issue, when in reality it is often offensive to ignore the problem at hand.
            There are two different way to define race, a sociological and a biological way. The sociological definition of race is the group of people our society associates you with. If you have dark skin our society would label you as black or Mexican, depending on how dark you are. A biological definition is proved science that a race is different in a way other than their skin color. One of the articles we read talked about black athletes verses white athletes. It is actually proven that East Africans are better at long distance running. It is scientifically based information, it is not just looks defining this. I have thought in the past that black athletes were better than white athletes, but I know realize which issues are true or not.
 This is a chart that is used to define your skin color. Many people would look at this to define race, when it really has nothing to do with race.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Depression in Social Classes

In sociology we are watching a movie on social classes in America. This film shows all the classes in America, and also follows people that have changed their own social class. It interviewed many people from many different classes and it showed how these classes are made.
           In the upper class they interviewed a man and asked him the question of how he can tell if someone is not in his class. He started firing off all these answers on how people do not fit into his social class. He commented on the way they dress, talk, eat, and carry themselves. He actually seemed obnoxious because of the way he was comparing himself to lower classes.
            They interviewed a woman from Appalachia who was considered poverty level. She was a much more pleasant person to listen to. She talked about her hard times and her home and family. Even though she had next to nothing she still took pride in the few things she did have. She made a comment at one point and said, “My daddy would be proud if he could see me now.” She had a job, a family, and a home and that was good enough for her.
            This movie made me think about the social classes and how happy people are in each class. It is said that adolescents with upper class status are more likely to have anxiety and depression and abuse drugs than adolescents in lower classes.   
            This article goes on to say that affluent adolescents use drugs to escape their problems or to relax, but lower class adolescents use drugs for recreational use or because they are told it is “cool.” Higher status teens are using drugs to relieve them selves of the stress they have put on them. This goes to show that maybe money is not everything.