Friday, May 20, 2011

Closing Thoughts

            My sociology class has changed the way I view society now. I now realize the things I never would have thought twice about before. I observe the way people talk and act around each other. In crowded places I enjoy analyzing the groups of people.
            The two most interesting topics for me was the topic on race and the class rank unit. Both were fascinating to me, and I feel like I can directly apply them to my life. When we discussed class rank it really made me think about where I stand in society, or if I could change positions if I wanted to. I thought it was the most interesting topic we talked about all year. I also enjoyed the race unit. I was also interested by all the myths and truths about race. I could not believe how many things we thought were true but were actually myths. It changed the way I approach the issue of racism.
            This class was beneficial to me, and I am glad I took this class before college. It has better prepared me for life after college.

Race is Still an Issue

              Our last section in sociology is on race. We have watched a movie and done an online project to find out more about the topic. It is a fascinating thing to study, because the majority of what people in our society think is a myth. We are also racist more often then we think we are. We often think ignoring the issue of racism is the most non-controversial way to handle the issue, when in reality it is often offensive to ignore the problem at hand.
            There are two different way to define race, a sociological and a biological way. The sociological definition of race is the group of people our society associates you with. If you have dark skin our society would label you as black or Mexican, depending on how dark you are. A biological definition is proved science that a race is different in a way other than their skin color. One of the articles we read talked about black athletes verses white athletes. It is actually proven that East Africans are better at long distance running. It is scientifically based information, it is not just looks defining this. I have thought in the past that black athletes were better than white athletes, but I know realize which issues are true or not.
 This is a chart that is used to define your skin color. Many people would look at this to define race, when it really has nothing to do with race.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Depression in Social Classes

In sociology we are watching a movie on social classes in America. This film shows all the classes in America, and also follows people that have changed their own social class. It interviewed many people from many different classes and it showed how these classes are made.
           In the upper class they interviewed a man and asked him the question of how he can tell if someone is not in his class. He started firing off all these answers on how people do not fit into his social class. He commented on the way they dress, talk, eat, and carry themselves. He actually seemed obnoxious because of the way he was comparing himself to lower classes.
            They interviewed a woman from Appalachia who was considered poverty level. She was a much more pleasant person to listen to. She talked about her hard times and her home and family. Even though she had next to nothing she still took pride in the few things she did have. She made a comment at one point and said, “My daddy would be proud if he could see me now.” She had a job, a family, and a home and that was good enough for her.
            This movie made me think about the social classes and how happy people are in each class. It is said that adolescents with upper class status are more likely to have anxiety and depression and abuse drugs than adolescents in lower classes.   
            This article goes on to say that affluent adolescents use drugs to escape their problems or to relax, but lower class adolescents use drugs for recreational use or because they are told it is “cool.” Higher status teens are using drugs to relieve them selves of the stress they have put on them. This goes to show that maybe money is not everything.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

U.S Soldiers and Prestige

The reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes. This is Webster’s Dictionary definition of prestige. Although this is true, that achievement and rank are weighed into prestige, the thing that Americans look at the most to describe prestige is money and success. For many years we have thought someone has prestige if they make the most money or live in the biggest house. We put the people with most things on a pedestal and compare ourselves to them. We define prestige with money and the job we have. 
Even though we just defined prestige with money and the high class jobs you have, there is one job that does not pay the best, but comes with a lot of prestige. In America our soldiers have more prestige than most people. The average U.S soldier makes $40,00- $65,000 a year. The average CEO of a Fortune 500 company makes just over a million every year. Although U.S soldiers would be considered middle class citizens, in most cases they are treated like the most prestigious people in our country. In most cases money and wealth shows how prestigious you are. The only thing that changes that view is if someone goes above and beyond the average citizen. In cases like this we break the norm of the definition because of our appreciation for the individuals.
In sociology we looked at many jobs and ranked them for what we thought there level of prestige should be. Out of 5 the class gave soldiers a 3. I disagreed with this decision and thought they deserved a 5. Our class proved that we judge based on wealth and success instead of what they our doing for our country.
             In this picture it shows a homecoming for U.S soldiers. They have a huge welcoming. They are honored because of what they do for us, not how much they make.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Feminism and Religion

            Feminism: The organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests.
Feminism is a big issue in today’s society, and across the world. In America, feminist are talking about how they have just as many rights as men. Women are starting to work just as much as men, and are no longer tied to their home. In other countries in the Middle East, women are starting to change as well. They were required to wear long clothes with veils over their faces. Women now are starting to remove the veils and step out from under their husbands.
            I read a very interesting blog that was titled “Why feminists are less religious.” This article talks about the how the majority of active feminists are less religious than “normal” women. They interviewed 1,300 women in Britain and asked them all the same question. “Please describe your religious or spiritual views (including none/atheist/agnostic).”
            While asking these questions they realized that only one in ten answered that they practiced a big world religion, such as Christianity or Muslim. Most women responded by saying they did not practice any kind of religion or that they were atheist. This poll was taken in 2010. When there was pole taken in 2001 on women religions, 1/3 of the women responded with a world religion. Nine years later the question was asked slightly different and the majority of the women did not have a set religion.
            This shows how our society today is changing. Women in today’s world have jobs and are no longer a caretaker/homemaker. Women have stepped out and our taking control of what they want. They are not only taking control in the business world, but they are also making there own decisions as far as religion goes. They are not conforming to what the world says they should believe in. Women are taking their views and making them known. 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Social Networks and Technology

            Facebook, Myspace, and Youtube have revolutionized our society and how we communicate and interact with people today. Not only those three sights but the internet in general has changed our world. People have mixed feelings on whether this change is good or bad because of all the opportunities the internet has. Parents worry about their children being properly protected, and teachers have concern of their students cheating by using the internet.
            The internet has given society many positive opportunities. Facebook and other social networking sites allow people to communicate with each other whenever we want to. We can communicate with people around the world, and it only takes minutes. My generation now values immediate responses. We get everything in life quickly now. Sending text messages, facebook messaging someone, or even email is faster than sending mail or making a phone call.
            Although there are so many positives to the new technology, a lot of problems have come from new technology. The people of my generation do not know how to wait for anything anymore. We are used to immediate response, and quick information. Our society has also changed because we no longer value close friendship or relationships. We communicate through technology and that takes away from a true relationship. On facebook you could have one thousand friends, but you only truly know maybe one hundred of them, and your closest friends are maybe only ten or fifteen of them. My generation no longer values the same things in life because we focus our attention on the technology and making fake personas for ourselves.  

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do You Speak American?

             This week we watched a series called “Do you Speak American?” The series talked about how the English language in America changes as you travel across the map. In every area of our country there is a different kind of accent or dialect.
            One of the more interesting things brought up in this movie was in southern texas, many Hispanic people believed that Spanish was going to become a second language. They said that so many people were moving to America from Mexico, that Spanish will soon be a prominent language in the U.S. Many of those people already speak Spanglish, which is a mixture of English and Spanish when they are talking.
In a school in California they were trying to find out if having a special class teaching proper English would benefit children who spoke African American English (AAL). They found that the children in the class were progressing. Many people do not realize the AAL is an actual language. They think that the people are just using bad English.

            If you live in the United States, you're likely aware that there are a handful of regional accents across the country, many of which are immediately recognizable. I've found a map that details the boundaries of each of the major regional American dialects.

Where do you fit in?

Linguistic Geography Mainland United States

Friday, March 4, 2011

Euthanasia: Right or Wrong?

             In class we had a debate on topic of Euthanasia. We looked both sides of the argument, and each group chose which side they would like to support. My group was the only group that was against euthanasia. We first attempted to use religion as our reason, but that was quickly shot down. We then used the argument that the people that are claimed to be in a “vegetative state” could still want to live. Many people argued that if they are in a vegetative state they do not know what is going on, and they cannot make the choice for themselves. I read and article that proves that people in vegetative states can still function and answer question.
            This article brought up the research done at Cambridge College in England, and research done by other news facilities. They researched 54 patients with “disorders of consciousness” and assessed their “ability to generate willful” responses during two “established mental-imagery tasks.” Five of these patients were able to respond and prove that there brain was functioning. They also stated that most patients could measure some kind of “preserved awareness.” This proves that as we try to decide the fate of these people, some of them could still make the choice for themselves. They are aware of what is going on, and they do have brain activity.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Lost Boys of Sudan

            This week in class we watched the Lost Boys of Sudan. This film is a true story that follows the life of men who are refugees from Sudan that move to America to try and start new lives. This movie was fascinating to watch as the boys transitioned into American society.
            When the boys first arrived in the United States they made many observations. One boy commented on how all they have done since the got here was eat. They also noticed that the majority of Americans are consumed by their educations or work. Peter, one of the lost boys, moved to Kansas to go to high school. He had one of the better experiences in America. He made friends, had a job, and really got involved in American culture. Santino was another one of the lost boys, and he stayed in Texas and did not have as good of an experience. He just worked and did not interact with people as much. He was driving without a license or insurance and ended up getting a lot of fines. He did not adapt as quickly, and did not take the time to learn the important things about being an American.
            All in all, I would say this program is amazing. It does a great job of getting people new experiences and knowledge from America. It is just up to the boys to decide how much they want to learn and work.  
  This is Peter working at Walmart so that he can pay for his apartment and for college one day.

Values Americans Live By

          We were given an article to read in class that was written by Robert Kohls. The entire article explains to foreign people visiting America, how America works. Kohls makes a point of telling these people that we as Americans believe, “their belief that every individual is so unique that the same list of values could never be applied to all. or even most, of their fellow citizens.” This is basically saying that Americans think each person is so individual that none of us could have the same values. On the back of this article there is a list of the top fifteen values Americans do have. Kohls states, “Before proceeding to the list itself, we should also point out that Americans see all of these values as very positive ones.” Other countries look at our values and think our priorities are askew. Other countries view a lot of our values negatively.
            Value number six on the back of this worksheet is Process and Progress. Kohl uses an example of someone asking for directions. In America if someone asks for directions, you explain in detail how to get to that place, and then you move on. In other countries that would be considered rude. They would expect you to walk with them and show you the place they wish to go. We as Americans view this as a learning experience. If you tell them how to get there and they take the directions and get to that place they have learned something new. As Americans we believe in personal progress.
            Although, we view our country as a not having values, we just do not notice them. Other countries notice them very quickly. We come of as rude or unfriendly because we are focused on progress and individualism.  
 This picture shows that Americans are mainly focused on work and like to do thing by themselves. Although this is showing that girls are proving that they can do the same as boys, it is still a good example to show how competitive Americans are.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Functionalism: Society is Like a Human Body 
This week in class we discussed Functionalism and what it looks like in society. The first example that was given was a family. For example, families have children to raise and train a new generation. That would be a Manifest Function. A Latent Function of a family would be security, knowing that no matter what you had family to stand by you. Manifest function is the main reason, and Latent functions are underlying reasons.
We then look to see how Functionalism related to the human body. Each part of the body works in harmony with the other parts, just like each part of society works in harmony with all the other parts. We went on to think of other similarities such as the body needs the brain to work, just like society needs government to function.  

This picture shows a person looking at an object, and you see its brain compartmentalizing what should be done. It is showing how this persons brain is working to comprehend the picture. It is showing his manifest plan being the big compartment on top, and his latent functions in the smaller compartments.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Silence is it awkward?

In class on Tuesday our teacher did an experiment with silence. For the first 5 minutes she did not talk or start class. At first no one reacted, but then it became awkward and people started asking what the problem was.
Our society has trained us to realized when silence is awkward. When the bell rings for class to start, it is awkward if class does not start for few minutes. After a while people start to talk just to comfort themselves. No one likes uncomfortable situations, and they try to fix those situations by talking about nonsense. Society trains us from a young age on what is appropriate and what is not. When those situations are no longer normal it creates awkwardness that no one likes to experience.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Who I am

I am Liz Yager. The majority of my time is spent riding horses. I horse show most weekends, and I am currently training my new Horse Chesney.  When I am not at the horse barn I am at church. I am very active in my church youth group and I sing almost every Wednesday night for the youth group. Although I moved to Barrington 10 years ago, I still visit my old hometown very often. It is a small farming community, and I love to go and help my dad and grandpa farm on the weekends I am not horse showing. I am very blessed to have all the experiences I have had.